December 1st brings Christmas Markets (Weinachtsmarkt) to cities (Stadte) across Germany. The first one I went too was in Braunschweig (where I live), last Thursday (it began a few days befor December) night. The booths in the photos above are typical, there is prepared food, local specialties, snack foods, gifts unique to the city or region, international snack foods (few), crafts, etc. The BS Christmas market is famous for 1/2 meter Bratwurst, which we did not eat but Patrick promises I will eat next time, we shall see. I am still not convinced by any of the wursts. To be honest, the only one I tried was Curry wurst as it most simarly resembles a hot dog w/o (ohne) a bun. Anyway, another local dish looks like spinach with sausage in it and is made in a giant wok looking device, for the record I will not be trying that one either. They even has wurst made from Horse meat in one of the stands, also something of no interest to me. I did eat those little fried dough things you can see in the photo. They are called Deke, essentialy it is fried dough in bitesized pieces and served topped with powdered sugar in a paper cone with a small wooden fork. It is easier to eat then a gian ball of fried dough but also more greasy! Germans love grease and fat and cigaretted and fire hazards, all things Americans are taught to avoid. Christmas markets also have Gluhwein, a sweet wine heated with cinnamon added and an optional shot of brandy or Amaretto. I've had that at the University (minus the shot as I had to return to class) and it is growing on me. At first the concept of hot wine was not appealing. The second German Christmas drink involving heated wine is called "Fire Bowl" It involves wine and sugar on top which is ignighted. There is a classic movie to go with this which I plan to watch when it is shown at the Student cinema next week. I have yet to try this one. Well I don't want to go into all the Christmas stuff now, I must save some more information for Part II - Lubeck to be published tomorrow as I am off to bed now. Tomorrow is my last German lesson.