Saturday, March 07, 2009


Twice in February Patrick and I made sushi and it was delicious. For Christmas, I bought him a book called "Easy Sushi" and it was easy and really delicious and fun. The first time we made sushi was on Valentine's day. For fillers we used, tuna, cuccumber and crab stick. We had enough sea weed "wrapping papers" left so we decided to do it again the following Saturday with avacodo and since the tuna was not avaliable that day, we substituted avacado and omlet. From an asthetics perspective, the first attempt looked nicer due to the colors and the tuna was amazing. These pictures are from attempt #2 because my camera was in the office the first time so you can notice the lack of color but the taste was not lacking. Look how nice our living room looks as a sushi shop, like the pillows belong on the rug...

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